
目前显示的是 一月, 2023的博文

2023新一輪病毒肆虐世界 ---- 致世界各國政府的一封公開信

Resolutely Stopped New Variants of Coronavirus from China ----- An Open Letter to the All Governments around the World  2023 病毒可能再次肆虐全球           12月7日,北京當局放棄「清零政策」,不再進行大規模核酸篩查。12月25日,中國衛建委宣佈,停止公佈每日染疫人數和死亡人數。中共疾控中心公佈疫情和死亡資料離現實差距遙遠,不僅資料偏差巨大、還改變新冠病死的標準。中國疫情爆炸性增長,令整個世界感到恐慌與害怕。為此,中國海外民運組織連署致世界各國政府的公開信:           On December 7, Beijing authorities abandoned their "Zero Policy" and stopped conducting the mass nucleic acid screening. On December 25, the Health Commission of China announced that it would stop announcing the daily number of people infected with the disease and the number of deaths. The epidemic and mortality data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control (CDC) differed greatly from the actual situation, not only in terms of data deviations but also in terms of changing the criteria for death from the new crown disease. The explosive growth of the epidemic in China has caused panic and fear throughout the w...